Laser Psoriasis Treatment in Eagle, Idaho
What Is Laser Psoriasis Treatment?
When you are suffering from psoriasis, you are most likely to experience flaky, red, light-colored, and raised spots on the surface of the skin that can be inflamed, itchy, scaly, and crusted. This chronic dermatology problem can arise when cells in the skin expand at a faster rate. Psoriasis blemishes generally range in size and generally develop around the hands, elbows, soles of the feet, back of the knees, head, and lower portion of the back. At Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness, our team commonly treats plaque psoriasis and other skin concerns via treatment with the Alma Harmony XL PRO laser. Emitting controlled light-based energy, our laser handpiece can target these skin concerns to help reduce psoriasis symptoms, including redness and itchiness. To learn whether Harmony XL PRO laser psoriasis treatment can be a good way to control your condition and minimize your symptoms, reach out to our location in Meridian, ID.
Laser Psoriasis Treatment FAQ
What causes psoriasis?
A psoriasis condition is believed to develop when healthy cells are inadvertently attacked by the immune system. For most individuals, this may not be a frequent problem. However, if the body begins fighting infection or illness, the increase of activity from the immune system could lead to a case of psoriasis.
What does psoriasis look like?
Light red or pink areas of raised, thickened, flaking skin often point to a psoriasis condition. These impacted areas are frequently present on the elbows, scalp, and knees; however, they might be found in almost any location on your body. Call our Meridian, ID office as soon as you can to have your psoriasis symptoms evaluated by our team.
What happens when psoriasis isn't treated?
Even though minor episodes of psoriasis might not carry long-term negative results, moderate to severe bouts of the condition could lead to psoriatic arthritis in the absence of care. If treatment is not sought, this type of arthritis has the potential to cause chronic discomfort and pain, mobility concerns, and joint disfigurement.
How does laser treatment for psoriasis work?
Laser treatment with the Harmony XL PRO at Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness utilizes targeted energy to address psoriasis by slowing the growth of cells in the skin. Treatment sessions only require a few minutes to complete and generally produce a snapping sensation and mild heat. Patients may require a series of sessions to improve a plaque psoriasis condition.