Hormone therapy is a medical treatment aimed at relieving symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, typically associated with menopause in women, though it can also be used by men. This therapy involves the administration of hormones to supplement or replace those that the body no longer produces in sufficient quantities. Among the various options available, bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) has gained significant attention for its promise of a more natural approach to restoring balance. 

But as with any medical treatment, a crucial question emerges: is bioidentical hormone therapy safe?

At Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness, we understand the importance of making informed decisions about your health. We are certified hormone experts and we’re here to demystify hormone therapy and guide you through understanding its safety, benefits, and how it can contribute to your aesthetic health and overall wellness.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. They are often used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for individuals who have low or unbalanced hormone levels. 

Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are derived from plant estrogens and are designed to mimic the structure and function of human hormones, aiming for a more natural integration into the body’s physiological processes.

Conventional Hormone Therapy vs Bioidentical Hormone Therapy 

The main difference between conventional hormone therapy and bioidentical hormone therapy is in the composition of the hormones used. 

Conventional therapies often use synthetic hormones or those derived from animals, while bioidentical therapies utilize hormones structurally identical to those produced by the human body. These hormones are safer and more effective due to their natural similarity to human hormones.

Reasons for Using Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are used for various reasons, primarily to address symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, including:

  • Menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.
  • Andropause: reduced libido, fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings.
  • Thyroid disorders: symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  • Adrenal insufficiency: balancing cortisol levels and improving stress response and energy levels.
  • Preventing diseases: osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain cancers. (1)

Administration & Dosage

Bioidentical hormones can be administered in several ways, including pellets, oral tablets, patches, creams, gels, and injections. The choice of administration method depends on the individual’s needs, the specific hormones being used, and the preference of the healthcare provider. At Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness, we’re double certified in pellet hormone therapy. 

What’s the Best Way to Administer Bioidentical Hormones?

At Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness, we believe in a personalized approach to wellness, treating each individual with the care they deserve. One of the standout methods we employ for administering bioidentical hormones is through the use of all-natural, bioidentical hormone pellets.

Pellets are inserted into the tissue and deliver a constant level of hormones over 3-5 months for women and 4-6 months for men. This avoids the high and low fluctuations that cause symptoms. 

Pellets have been studied and shown to be superior when compared to conventional hormone replacement. They provide superior relief of hormonal imbalances. Patients who have not had symptom relief from other forms of hormone replacement therapy have had great success with pellets. (2)


The dosage of bioidentical hormones is determined based on various factors, including age, the severity of symptoms, hormone levels as measured through blood tests, and overall health. 

Dosages may be adjusted over time based on the individual’s response to therapy.

How Long Does It Take for Bioidentical Hormones to Work?

The time it takes for bioidentical hormones to become effective can vary widely among individuals. Some may experience relief from symptoms within a few weeks, while others may take several months to notice significant changes.

Risks & Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy, offering a solution that closely mimics the body’s natural hormones. 

It is crucial to weigh the potential risks against the benefits. This balanced approach ensures individuals can make informed decisions about their health and wellness strategies.


Despite being considered safer and more natural, bioidentical hormones carry potential side effects. These can range from minor inconveniences such as acne to more serious health risks such as blood clots, stroke, and even cancer, especially with prolonged use.

Compounded formulas, tailored to individual needs, lack FDA oversight, raising issues around dosage consistency and potential contamination. These safety concerns underscore the importance of consulting knowledgeable healthcare professionals when exploring compounded bioidentical hormone options.


Research and clinical experiences often point to bioidentical hormones having a safety profile that is better than that of conventional hormone therapies. 

Bioidentical hormones present an option for those seeking to address hormonal imbalances with a substance that closely mimics what their body naturally produces. While the potential for side effects and risks exists, the relief of hormonal imbalance symptoms and quality of life improvements are significant for many. 

Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Safe(r)?

Bioidentical hormone therapy is generally considered to be a safe option when prescribed and carefully monitored by an experienced healthcare provider.  While it is true that this form of therapy, like any medical treatment, carries potential risks and side effects, the degree of safety often depends on the individualized approach to treatment, including dosage and monitoring. 

Patients must engage in thorough discussions with their healthcare provider, evaluating the benefits and risks of bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to their personal health history and needs.

A significant contribution to the discourse on the safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormones versus synthetic versions is found in the study conducted by Kent Holtorf, published in the Postgraduate Medicine journal, PMID: 19179815, DOI: 10.3810/pgm.2009.01.1949.

This research delves into the heated debate surrounding the use of bioidentical hormones, such as progesterone, estradiol, and estriol, in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), especially in comparison to conventional synthetic and animal-derived hormones like conjugated equine estrogens (CEE), medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), and other synthetic progestins.

Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones

The Holtorf study critically evaluates the evidence comparing bioidentical hormones with their non-bioidentical counterparts, focusing on aspects such as clinical efficacy, physiological actions on breast tissue, and risks for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. 

Through a comprehensive review of published papers and clinical outcomes, the study highlights several key findings:

  • Patient Satisfaction: There is a notable preference among patients for HRT formulations that contain bioidentical progesterone over synthetic progestins, with reports of greater satisfaction.
  • Physiological and Clinical Benefits: Bioidentical hormones, due to their unique chemical structures that closely mimic natural human hormones, have been shown to have distinct, and often opposite, physiological effects compared to synthetic hormones. For instance, progesterone is linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer, contrasting the increased risk associated with synthetic progestins. 
  • Cardiovascular Effects: The study points out the adverse cardiovascular effects of synthetic progestins, which may be avoided with the use of bioidentical progesterone.

The evidence presented by Holtorf suggests that bioidentical hormones are associated with lower risks, including the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and are more effective than their synthetic and animal-derived counterparts

This positions bioidentical hormones as a preferred method of hormone replacement therapy.

The Right Approach to Hormone (Replacement)* Therapy

*Did you know…
..there’s a difference in what healthcare providers call hormone treatment based on how old you are? If you’re over 50, it’s called hormone therapy (HT). But if you’re younger, especially before 40, it’s known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Hormone therapy involves the use of hormones to treat medical conditions or enhance one’s health and well-being. Bioidentical hormone therapy, in particular, uses compounds that are chemically identical to the hormones naturally produced by your body, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. 

The goal is to correct hormonal imbalances that often occur due to aging, stress, lifestyle, or health conditions, aiming to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Individualized Treatment Plans

At Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness, safety is our top concern. Your consultations and aesthetic treatments are performed by either our registered nurses or nurse practitioners.  We understand that every individual’s hormonal needs are unique to them. 

That’s why we offer personalized treatment plans, carefully tailored to you. By working with a certified hormone expert, you can ensure that your hormone therapy is not only effective but also aligned with your body’s natural rhythms.

Is Hormone Therapy the Right Choice for You?

Deciding on hormone therapy, including the choice between bioidentical and conventional options, is a nuanced conversation that necessitates a partnership between you and your healthcare provider. 

It’s about finding a path that honors your body’s needs, health history, and personal health philosophy. 

Hormone levels naturally decline as we age, leading to various symptoms that can affect our quality of life. 

The symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Changes in libido or discomfort during intercourse
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Fatigue and energy loss
  • Weight changes
  • Mood fluctuations
  • Memory concerns

Who Should (Not) Consider Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy could be a beneficial option if you’re experiencing the aforementioned symptoms due to hormonal imbalances. Before embarking on hormone therapy, it’s important to evaluate your health history and risk factors. 

Hormone therapy may not be advisable if you have an active cancer.

You’re not alone in considering hormone therapy. Studies indicate that millions of women over 40 in the U.S. are exploring or have opted for compounded bioidentical hormones as a solution to their hormonal imbalance symptoms.

Ready to Explore Hormone Therapy?

Here at Treasure Valley Aesthetics and Wellness, we provide bio-identical hormone therapy in Boise, Idaho. If you’re curious about hormone therapy and wondering if it’s the right step for you, we are here to help. 

Our team of certified hormone experts is dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring your journey towards hormonal balance is safe, informed, and aligned with your wellness goals.

Contact us today for a consultation and let us guide you on your path to enhanced well-being and aesthetic health. Together, we’ll explore how bioidentical hormone therapy can unlock the door to a healthier, more vibrant you.