IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial in Boise, ID.
What is IPL?
Men and women who struggle with the look of hyperpigmentation or sun damage on their skin could be good candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness. A photofacial with IPL is a skin rejuvenation treatment for pigmentation concerns on the face and neck. Our team uses intense wavelengths of light energy to start the natural regeneration process and increase collagen production.
Over time, you should notice a healthier complexion, a more even tone, and decreased spots. While a photofacial is not an invasive process, it can be very effective and can produce amazing outcomes for your skin. IPL, commonly known for its skin rejuvenation properties, can also be an effective complement to Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Our Boise, ID team utilizes Harmony XL PRO technology from Alma Lasers to complete IPL therapy and can provide a skin assessment to determine if this service can help renew your complexion.
Want to know how IPL can tighten and rejuvenate your skin? Read our blog, IPL for Skin Tightening.
IPL PhotoFacial For Just $199
For a limited time,
Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness is offering
IPL PhotoFacial
For Just $199
*First treatment only.
How much does IPL cost?
Your complexion issues are unique, which means the cost of IPL treatments will depend on your specific condition. Treasure Valley Aesthetics & Wellness may offer special deals at times, and we take an array of payment options. At your aesthetic visit, your technician can help estimate your cost and discuss the number of visits required to maximize your results.
How quick are the results from IPL?
Improvements can generally be noticed following each Harmony XL PRO IPL therapy session, but final results are apparent a month after a full series of treatments is completed. It is common for patients to respond differently to every treatment session. You will most likely have an incremental improvement in redness, blotchiness, sun spots, and age spots as time goes on.
What are the possible side effects of IPL?
Most women and men experience some minor, temporary side effects, such as swelling, redness, crusting, bruising, or blisters. However, this should fade in a few days. The treated areas will be sun-sensitive, and you should keep in mind that sun exposure will impact your results. You should also wear sunscreen to protect your skin and help prevent skin problems, including sun spots and redness.
Do I need to prep for IPL?
In preparation for IPL therapy, Meridian, ID patients are asked to avoid self-tanners and sun exposure for 2 – 4 weeks before their treatment. You might need to stop using certain medications a few days before your procedure, and we may recommend that you avoid taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications a week before the procedure to decrease your risk of developing bruises. You also need to protect the treated areas with sunscreen between sessions.
Why should I get multiple IPL sessions?
A full series of IPL photorejuvenation is recommended to produce natural-looking enhancements in the quality of your complexion. Each session helps to diminish areas of hyperpigmentation and sun spots. Multiple sessions also allow for longer-lasting aesthetic improvements.